Saturday, May 2, 2009
Back home.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Cahuita, Quepos, and Manuel Antonio.

One day we decided to take advantage of the coral reef (which is one of the last living in Costa Rica) and go snorkleing, which I had never done before. We really lucked out because the conditions were perfect: the water was clear, there was virtually no wind, and there were TONS of fish. Our guide said it was one of the best days he had seen in years. I wish I had had an underwater camera to get some pictures of all of the fish I saw! After we finished snorkleing we took a quick walk through the park and saw a few monkeys, and even a lovely yellow snake (yikes!).

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Finished Volunteering, and back in San Jose!

The view from my balcony on my last morning in Zapotal.

I left Zapotal on the 31st of March, which was bittersweet since I had really grown to love it there, but I also realised that it was important to visit new places as I only have a limited amount of time in Costa Rica. My last weekend in Zapotal was the Motocross race, which was a pretty big event; people came from all of the towns nearby and there were riders from all over Central and South America competing at the race. The race started at around 11:00am and had two parts: the first was the Pro circuit, and the second was the amateur circuit. I had never seen something like this before, but it was pretty fun except for a couple of falls, but thankfully no one was hurt. There was also tons of great food at the event too, which I of course took advantage of. After the race ended at around 3:00pm there was a party at the community hall, which was a pretty fun time with music, dancing, food, the whole works. I think it was a great way to spend my last weekend there.

I ended up going to Matapalo as planned on the 31st of March, I made the trip with my old roommate Ursual, and it was really nice getting to travel with another person. Matapalo was beautiful, and is supposed to have one of the prettiest beaches in Costa Rica. I was there for only one week which was enough time, since there wasn't a ton of work needed to be done there. Most days we visited the local elementary school and did some painting, and then played with the kids during their lunch break. There were about 5 volunteers there in total, one of each from Austria, Germany, England, and two from Canada (Vancouver, whoot!), and all women! We had one close animal encounter during my stay; one evening I was walking out of the house and Wilson (the project coordinator) was standing by the door, and he told me to just keep on walking, so I did not really thinking anything of it. Once I was out of door, two of the girls were staring at Wilson, and I asked them what was going. They told me there was a snake in the house! Lucky for us they caught the snake, and we found out it was a relatively harmless one that eats mostly spiders and small rodents. But still, everyone was rather disturbed by this event, and I am happy to report that there were no other slithery visitors during the rest of my stay.

Ivana (a photographer at our camp) doing pull ups for the kids. They were impressed.
These girls asked me to take their picture. They are so serious!
Just taking a break.
On my last day of work we started working on building a hatchery for the turtle conservation project on the beach. It was really hard work carrying big beach logs in the blistering sun, but thankfully we didn't have to do it for too long as we were all dying in the 34 degree heat, including my project coordinator!
Kids playing jump rope with the volunteers at recess.
Lifeguard taking it easy. I wonder how he got up there?
Sunset in Matapalo.
All the girls on my last night in Matapalo.
I left Matapalo on Tuesday, a few days earlier than I originally planned because this week is Semana Santa which is basically Easter celebrations, and travelling on Thursday or Friday is next to impossible as there is no domestic bus service. So now I have a few days to waste here in San Jose while I am waiting for my friend Amy to arrive on Saturday. Today I went to meet up with my friend Julie who I met in the Matapalo project, and she is also from Vancouver. We had lunch, and afterwards walked around the main drag in San Jose called Avenida Central. Tomorrow is supposed to be a big celebration day with lots of religious processions so I might go and check that out, since the processions in Central America are supposed to be pretty spectacular.

I apologize for the lack of photos, the computers at my hostel have their hard drives locked up so I haven't been able to plug in my flash drive to post pictures. Hopefully over the next few days I will be able to find another internet cafe and post some photos from the last few weeks, so keep checking back for updates. Talk to you all again soon!
March 27th, 2009
As of today I have four days left in Zapotal and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by! I leave here on Tuesday (bright & early) and head towards the pacific coast to a town called Matapalo, where I will visit a beach for the first time since arriving in Costa Rica! I will be working at a project located just across from the Matapalo beach, the project is both a community and environmental one so we will be doing a mixture of work there.
This time though, I will not be making my trip alone; my roommate here Ursula is also going to Matapalo, so we will be making the day long bus trip together.

These girls were so excited- They screamed their heads off!

This is the sign that we painted for Betty.

Cowboys watching the race.
-'Til next time,
Friday, March 20, 2009
1 month down, 1 more to go!
This past weekend was back-to-back parties. The first was at a lodge nearby called "Colinas Verdes" which is situated on a nice hill, with a very pretty view. I am not really sure what the party was for, but it had all of the staples of a Tico fiesta: lots of food, music, and dancing. I met a few english speaking people there, which was nice since the only times I can speak english is when I called home once a week! The next day was a fiesta in Cedral (again I am not sure what it was
for?). It was a fun party with lots of dancing, I danced with Betty & Chichi a lot- although I did meet several bizarre characters... One man was in his 70's, and completely drunk. He would lean up against a support beam and fall asleep for a minute, then a moment later he would wake-up and start dancing again like a maniac. It was a pretty hilarious sight to behold! (The photo above is from the drive down to Miramar today)
The newest development in Zapotal is that this past Tueday a new volunteer arrived. So now I have a roomate, her name is Ursula and she is from Germany. It is nice to finally have some company up in my little attic. We are also expecting two more volunteers on Tuesday, both girls. So the house will be full of chicas! This past week has been pretty much the usual farm routine, except that we did quite a bit of painting in the little school close to the house. This weekend we will be doing lots of preparation for the follwing weekend; next weekend is a big motocross race up here, and supposedly a lot of people come up to watch the event.
Sorry for the short post, but we arrived really late to Miramar today, so I don't have much time on the internet. Will write again soon!
xoxo Amira
P.S Sorry for only one picture, I am having some technical difficulties today! Will try and post more pictures next time.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Earthquakes, tunnels, and bruises.
Yesterday was very nice and sunny, and in the afternoon I went with Chichi and a few another to a farm that Chichi own about 20 mins away. It was very pretty there, with a nice view of Miramar below, and you could even see all the way to the pacific ocean. I spent the few hours we were there enjoying the sun, and taking pictures.
Friday, March 6, 2009
2 Weeks
Friday, February 27, 2009
¡Pura Vida!
Yesterday, Betty and Chichi took me to a near by pueblo (town) where Betty's mom lives. I met lots of her family, and then we went to Chichi's brothers house where we spent most of the afternoon, while all the men left to go and slaughter a cow. They brought the cow back and slaughtered it under a tree near the house (no I didn't watch, although they kept asking me to.) I could see enough of the action from where I was sitting far away, and as beef is my favourite meat I chose to stay away. It took 4 or 5 men and several hours to portion out the cow, and then they cooked some for us to eat for lunch. I must say it was very tasty, in fact it was almost kobe-beef-tasty. It was really nice weather in this town so I spent most of the afternoon enjoying the sun near the river.
Today I am in Miramar again, because Betty and Chichi needed to do some arrands. So I am using the computer at Chichi's younger brothers house. It is pretty hot here in Miramar, however in Zapotal the weather is still pretty cold. Hopefully I will be able to blog again next week, so until then adios!
xoxo Amira
Monday, February 23, 2009
The trip up to Zapotal was a very interesting one to put it mildly, it took a total of 9 1/2 hours to get here, 5 of which were spent waiting for my second bus here in Miramar. The buses here are pretty old, and they get very hot, very fast. However, that is not the worst part. The worst part is the roads here, which are very narrow and twisty turny because we are in the mountains here. The drive from San Jose to Miramar was nothing compared to the second bus ride, which was like riding on a rusty old roller coaster that never ceases to stop bumping up and down. Luckily, I am not prone to car sickness, or else I would have been in big trouble. Waiting in Miramar was pretty boring, because I had to much stuff to carry to really be able to venture around town much. So the majority of the 5 hours here I spent sitting in the shade (which didn't prevent me from getting a bad sun burn on the back on my arms), reading, and writing in my journal.
Once I made it to my stop at the entrance to Zapotal, Chichi was there waiting for me, and we drove for about 20 minutes until we reached the Chavez house. Zapotal is quite high up in the mountains so it is not very warm here, and for the past few days has been cloudy and very windy. The wind is so strong here I wear ear plugs at night to block out the sound (and the dogs barking at it), and once and a while you get a huge gust and it shakes the entire house. I live in a nice sized room above the garage which is just beside the main house. It is bright and clean, and the bonus is I have my own bathroom.
My first day of work mostly consisted of feeding the animals (cows, pigs, and chickens), helping to spray down the animal pens, and cutting down sugar cane and alfalfa which is ground into feed for the cows and pigs. I also stopped by the community cheese factory (although calling it a factory is a bit of a stretch), where I worked with a man named Frankie who runs it. They use the milk from the cows to make the cheese, and it is a pretty tasty soft cheese that they eat at breakfast and dinner in grilled sandwhiches, or just on its own. Everyone here is very nice, and tries to converse with me as much as possible.
I eat all of my meals with Betty and Chichi, which are pretty tasty. In the morning they usually eat fruit (melon, pinapple, and papaya), and for lunch a salad with tomato and cucumber, and dinner is usually chicken, potatoes, and salad. There is always rice and beans served with every meal, which is a Costa Rican staple.
Overall things are going really well, and I am starting to adjust to it here. I will probably be here for about two weeks, and then head back to San Jose and go on to another project from there. I will try to post some pictures this weekend if I come back to Miramar.
Hopefully I will write again soon!
xoxo Amira.
Friday, February 20, 2009
I´m off once again!
I finally made it!
I don´t have too much to report yet, because I was picked up from the airport at 9:30pm by ASVO (the organization I am volunteering with) and went straight to bed. The hostel I am staying at is very nice, and the family that runs it has been really helpful, although it is hard to communicate other than just the basics. This morning I am supposed to have a meeting with one of my ASVO advisors, and he is going to help me go to the bank, and buy a phone card. He is also going to give me instructions on how to get to Zapotal, which is where my first volunteer posting is. I am hoping that it won´t be too confusing how to get there- will keep you posted.
So far the weather is really nice, I am not sure what the temp is, but there is a nice cool breeze where I am sitting at the computer. Hopefully, it won´t be too hot tomorrow when I have to do some more travelling. Anyway, that is really all I have to tell at the moment. I will try to blog again tomorrow before I leave, with some more details!