As of today I have four days left in Zapotal and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by! I leave here on Tuesday (bright & early) and head towards the pacific coast to a town called Matapalo, where I will visit a beach for the first time since arriving in Costa Rica! I will be working at a project located just across from the Matapalo beach, the project is both a community and environmental one so we will be doing a mixture of work there.
This time though, I will not be making my trip alone; my roommate here Ursula is also going to Matapalo, so we will be making the day long bus trip together.

These girls were so excited- They screamed their heads off!
This week involved a lot of work to do with the up-and-coming Motocross race this weekend. I am anticipating the craziness of this event; our little town of 3o will be flooded with nearly 1000 Motocross enthusiasts from all over Costa Rica.
The first rider takes off.

Earlier this week I made cheese with Frankie which is always fun, and tasty because I always eat every single piece of cheese that Frankie offers me. I also attended the funeral of a friend of Betty & Chichi's , which I won't lie was kind of an awkward experience for me. However, it was over very quickly, and was really just a burial, there was no church service or anything. Afterwards, we went to eat at a little cantina which makes my favourite Tico dish called Picadillos, which is basically a tortilla with fried potatoes and spices as the filling. Trust me, it's delicious!

This is the sign that we painted for Betty.
The past few days I been doing a lot of painting because Ursula and I are making a sign for Betty's house, so when volunteers arrive to the town they know which house to go to. Today we are almost finished the sign, so by tomorrow it should be complete. Once again, I am pretty pressed for time here in Miramar, because there has been so much work to do before the Motocross race on Sunday.

Cowboys watching the race.
It might be a while before I am able to post again, because I really have no idea what the internet access will be like (if any) in Matapalo. So I promise to write as soon as I possibly can.
-'Til next time,
-'Til next time,
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